The most surprising realization for me while watching this video, was the statement that "experts who are serious about disease reduction recommend that adults eat just over half a pound of meat PER WEEK." We eat about 1/2lb PER DAY. "The most common argument is that we need nutrients. Even though we eat on average twice as much protein as even the industry-obsessed USDA recommends." "We don't eat animal products for sufficient nutrition. We eat them to have an odd form of malnutrition, and it's killing us."
If we could just reduce our meat consumption by 50%... that would be a great start, says Mark.
We need to eat more vegetables! This will provide us with a healthier balance of nutrition and health! It just makes sense to "eat real food," and there is so much research supporting this! We know we should. BUT WHY AREN'T WE? It's your body, your health. Choose the path of nutrition and live a healthy lifestyle. It won't be easy, especially since society is not set up to support it... but it will be rewarding.
Do it for you, do it for your kids, and do it for our planet and the future.
"The main issue regarding global survival is the "overproduction and over consumption of meat and junkfood." -Mark Bittman
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