Sunday, November 13, 2011

Arm Allergy Testing-- FREE, and easy to do.

Have you heard of the "Allergy Arm Test?" My Naturopathic Doctor introduced this to me as her patient (Dr. Orona). My family and I still use this to test things quickly on our own. It's extremely easy, fast, and very helpful! Of course the medical community has not endoreed it, and does not recommend it, because they would lose a lot of money from it if everyone only used it!

I will admit, it is a little hard to wrap your head around... but from experience I can tell you that it works. I don't recommend using this as your ONLY source of "testing," however. You should get tested by a medical or Naturopathic/holistic doctor. I would say to use this more as a tool that you can pull out when you're in need of a quick answer. Don't take it for definite (especially if you suffer from SEVERE reactions!!!) but use at your own risk and with you and your doctor's best judgement.
I borrowed the description of how to perform the test from this website--she does a great job of explaining!

"So, this is the technique. At first you will need a partner to do this. Hold the suspected substance (food, cleaning products, toiletries, etc) in one hand while you hold your other arm straight out in front of you or straight out to the side.

You need to hold your fist like you are carrying a bucket, horizontally, so you use the muscle at the top of your arm. Do not hold your fist vertically as if you are carrying a pitcher. This will use the wrong muscle (your bicep) to hold up your arm.

To test the substance, have your partner push down on your arm. If you are unable to hold your arm up with a reasonable amount of pressure pushing your arm down (a child can do the pushing), this substance is not good for your body, for some reason or another. It may be that your body can't digest it, or it makes your blood sugar go crazy, or it is toxic. You may not know the reason, but you will know you should stay away from this substance."


This process utilizes your body's energy field. For me, it is completely obvious when a food I'm holding IS an allergy. My arm goes down so fast, and no matter what I can't hold it up. That's when you can be sure the food/item you're holding reacts negatively with your body's energy field, and you should stay away from it.

If you find this interesting, I recommend looking into the NEAT Allergy test. "Natural Elimination of Allergy Treatment," is the only treatment that I'm aware of that actually works to TREAT the allergies (food, environmental, and chemical). Check out this website for more information about how the treatment works!
via Allergy Testing.

Andrea Garza

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