Sunday, November 13, 2011

#NHBPM Nov 13th Open a Book

"Big shots are only little shots that keep shooting." -Christopher Morley

That's what I pointed to when I randomly opened "The Finish Line. Insights and inspirations that will take you there" by book that I had sitting on my desk. It's easy to say that people who have achieved success have only got there for various means, such as having money, their family helped them, they had connections, etc. We often think that we are not able to achieve what that person has, because we don't have exactly what they have. They had the resources--and we may result to thinking that we don't, and thus can't achieve the same. In my opinion, that is WRONG. Don't think that way! Yes, of course every single person has something that you don't have. People have access to different things. But there is one thing that no one else has- and that is your unique experiences, lifestyle, characteristics, and goals. You are a unique person of beautiful creation, and you can achieve whatever you have in mind.

They key is to NOT get bogged down on what others have, what you don't have, or things you "could have" or "should have" done. That will kill you and your dreams! You have to go with what you do have. Because that's what is the special key that will allow you to reach your goals in life. No matter what, you have to keep shooting. Don't let air ball, that could have won the game, lead you to quit basketball. If we always gave up things that were difficult, or that didn't go our way, then our world would be sadly deprived of many amazing people, inventions, and ideas. Not only that, but you will never know what potential you held! If you feel that you need to keep trying for something, then you NEED to keep going for it. If you think I'm being too emotional right now, then sorry, but I 100% agree in what I"m telling you. If you decide to take it as value, then you will be the one to benefit. It's hard sometimes, and I am fully aware of that. I can't even begin to tell you HOW many times I've been pushed down. But, I always get back up. I come back with determination to beat whatever it is that made me fall. I always remember, that because I always get back up and keep fighting, is why I am where I am today. I recognize myself for that, and you should too. I always think, if I were anyone else, they would have given up a long time ago. I've been through a lot. But I keep going. Because I know what I want to do in life. I WILL be a Naturopathic Doctor. There is no doubt in my mind, no matter what anyone else says. I will do something that changes society I will bring revolutionary ideas to the health and medical community. That's a given for me. I don't know exactly how, but that doesn't matter. As long as I know they will happen, they will. And because I made that decision-it will happen. It's unimportant to ponder how. Just know.

That's how strongly you should believe in yourself, and in your goals! So get out there, find what drives you, set goals, and work towards achieving them! Set your mind to it, keep making the small shots, even when you keep missing. You'll get them eventually, and that's when the magic happens!

Andrea Garza

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