Wednesday, November 9, 2011

#NHBPM Nov (9th) My Personal Brand

Ha, it's very convenient that this prompt was today! Why? Because I attended a "Social Media: Marketing Me" by Barrett, the Honors College this evening! One of the things we talked about was making your personal brand (via social media).

As a health Blogger, and health activist, I want my brand to have sincerity-- I want my words to be powerful, clear, true, factual, and upfront. I want to test your knowledge, challenge your ideas, challenge society's perceptions of health, challenge our methods of treatment and conventional medicine, and in total, be the facilitator of intense and real collaboration and discussion regarding human health (specifically diet, allergies, asthma, obesity, diabetes, cancer, and how they all relate).
That, would be my ideal Personal Brand as a Health Activist and future Naturopathic Doctor, and this is exactly what I am working to achieve.

-Andrea Garza

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