Saturday, November 12, 2011

#NHBPM Nov 12th Teach a Class

One thing I can effectively teach a class about it food allergies (that's a given!) but you may not know that I'm also very passionate about GMO, organic, the use of pesticides and additives. I think it is important to not only look at allergies in isolation--especially when there is growing evidence between allergies, asthma, ADHD, etc. We know that our health is extremely interconnected with more than just one or two variables at a time. My class will help its students realize that we must look at health holistically. Our bodies are not isolated, but rather everything that we come in contact with influences our chemistry in some way or another. It is important to remember this throughout the course of this class.

Your first assignment? read a book by Dorris Rapp. Preferably "Is this your child's world?" or "Our Toxic World."
Both of these books are relatively cheap online... ESPECIALLY compared to typical college textbooks! Take it from me :)

I've actually read most of these two books- my mom bought them a long time ago when we were both doing research about allergies and environmental health issues. You will be VERY surprised about what you read in these books!!! I highly recommend reading them.

The first day of my class, I would ask the class questions regarding health, allergies, chemicals, pesticides, etc. I would test your knowledge to see exactly what you know, and what impressions the general public has about such matters. It would be a Socratic seminar of sorts, to make you think about the world we live in, and things that we often take for granted, and never really question because it is so common for us now.

In the future days of the course, I will present lectures regarding food allergies, environmental allergies, the use of pesticides, GMO, as well as diet and health topics. What do you know about our current diet? There are many surprises I can throw at you... including the obesity epidemic--one of my growing passions. Just take a look at the obesity rates mapped out by this diagram-- I was on the verge of tears when I first saw it. Just imagine how much more severe this will become in the coming years if we do not take SERIOUS action!
It is truly a depressing topic, but one that MUST be addressed--and action has to be taken. We will spend an entire lecture talking about obesity, and we will spend another lecture coming up with hypotheses for the rising obesity rates, why we have not done anything to correct it, why it is still rising although we know what we need to do to correct it (heat healthier, exercise more, and consume less calories per day). Is there a program you can come up with to implement, that would help others take control of their health? We will also discuss the links between the American Diet and rising diabetes and cancer rates. To discuss this, you will be required to read "The China Study" beforehand.
My lecute will be very hands-on, stimulating, and participation will be a large requirement. Our class is not merely for instruction, but for the facilitation of personal thinking, critical thinking, as well as allowing you to see the importance of advocacy as well as taking action about topics that are extremely important and relevant to health and the future of the human species.

Thank you!
Andrea Garza

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