Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Walk for Food Allergy pictures!

Yes!  The official Walk for Food Allergy pictures are HERE!


There are a lot of cute ones!  Check them out to see if you got in some!

Here are some hi-lights :)

Me and Kyle Dine!

Our Walk chair, Lisa Horne

2010 Walk Ambassadors 

Arizona Twirling Athletes!

The (soon-to-be) famous mascot race!  (Sparky wins of course haha, GO DEVILS!)

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the first annual Walk for Food Allergy in Arizona!  As logistics chair, I am extremely excited for this year's walk- it's going to be even bigger and better!

We had 746 people attend, and we raised $42,135!  FANTASTIC!

Nationally FAAN Walks raised $2,469,082 to fund research, education, awareness, and find a cure!

Don't forget to check out the article from the Arizona State Press: http://www.statepress.com/2010/12/05/walk-raises-food-allergy-awareness/

Thank you Thank you Thank you everyone for your dedication and support!!!

-Andrea Garza


smilinggreenmom said...

This really looks fun! I have been reading more and more from FAAN and would love for our family to take part in a walk. Our son has been through so much with food allergies and severe eczema caused by food intolerances too. It took us a long time to figure out the causes and the difference between the two! Thankfully we can celebrate because he is so much better since taking his children's chewable probiotic from Belly Boost and not only looks great but can eat many more foods. Though he does still have a handful of actual allergies and we carry his Epi Pen everywhere. I think it would be so neat for him to be around others with allergies so he didnt feel alone. Thanks for the pics! BTW, I am smilinggreenmom.com :)

Food Allergy Talk said...

Hello Smiling!

Thank you so much for your comment- I always love hearing about people's stories!

Here is facebook event link for our upcoming 2011 Arizona Walk for Food Allergy: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=174150009294840&ref=ts

Are you from Arizona? If so I hope to see you there December 3rd!

alex said...

nice blog... keep sharing..
continue to blog..

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