Saturday, October 27, 2012

Is milk no longer a virtue?

I have never been comfortable with how hard milk is pushed in our (U.S.) society. Media and advertising is constantly reminding us of the importance of getting our glass of milk each day to "have strong bones."When you step back and think about it... what our cows are fed today is despicable if you ask me. The growth hormone injections is just the icing on the cake. I'm about 99% sure the feed they are fed is genetically modified--for more information on GM foods please see below. For these disheartening and sad conditions the cows are now raised on, (no "natural" cow is as fat and plump as farmers raise them these days. It's not natural, and I don't want that in my body) is the very reason why I stopped eating meat in January 2012. I actually naturally stopped eating meat in the dining halls at my university. I was turned off by it. I guess my body was more in-tune than I thought. Are you listening carefully to your body?

Now check this out:
Remember, there are always multiple sides to the same story. Nothing in this world is free of manipulation by multiple factors in their environment. The simple story is easier to accept, but the truth is always complicated. Just keep this in mind--for anything you are ever trying to get to the bottom of. 

Food for thought.

Thank you!
Andrea Garza


Carrie said...

I also stopped eating Meat in Jan 2012! It's almost been a year and girl I don't miss it. I quit drinking milk by Feb. I started running in June and this has been the healthiest year of my life. Good for you for making these decisions so young. (I'm assuming you're young based on your "university" statement, though I guess you could be a professor.) I was excited when I came across your blog!

Unknown said...

Hello Carrie!

Thank you so much for posting, I appreciate it! That is really great to hear that we both stopped eating meat in January 2012! I'm still going strong, although I had my worries about this Thanksgiving. I made it through very strong though. The appeal to eat meat is not really there anymore.. it just doesn't look very appetizing to me anymore.

I have not had meat since I was in 8th grade (I am currently a senior at Arizona State University) because of my allergies, but I would never go back to drinking it if I could. Especially with how cows are raised these days!

I definitely feel healthier now as well! I don't feel so bogged down and heavy... This past month I've strived to eat the cleanest I have eaten all of my life... trying to consume mostly raw food and lots of vegies and spinach. I definitely feel great! :)

Thanks again, and I hope to hear from you!

-Andrea Garza