A famous French political thinker once said that the public would rather believe a simple lie than a complex truth.
The truth behind genetic engineering is extremely complex. It has been used for decades, but it is only in the last ten years that neurotoxins have been engineered into our food supply.
No one has studied the long term health implications of children consuming foods containing neurotoxins, novel proteins and allergens.
Though to look back over the last ten years, you quickly remember that ten years ago, we didn¹t have to worry about sending a peanut butter and jelly sandwich into school with our children; we didn¹t have to medicate our eight year olds to get them through the school day; and the movie, Rain Man, was all we knew of autism.
Today, at least 1 out of every 17 children under the age of three has a food allergy with at least 5 million American children suffering from this condition (though these statistics underestimate the problem since they are from 2002, over five years old).
Autism, diabetes and obesity are often referred to as American epidemics.
So what has changed?
In 1996, the United States adopted widespread use of genetically modified crops due to growing public concern over the health risks associated with the industrial spraying of insecticidal and pesiticidal toxins.
In an effort to reduce the spraying of these toxins, scientists began using biotechnology to engineer these pesticides and insecticides into the plants themselves.
As these ingredients were introduced around the world ten years ago, government agencies in Europe, Asia, Australia, Japan, Russia and 45 developed countries required them to be listed on food labels, so that consumers could make informed choices when it came to feeding their families.
In the United States, our regulatory agencies do not require these genetically engineered ingredients to be labeled.
So, unlike other developed countries, we have not been informed that almost 70% of our corn, 90% of our soy and 75% of our processed food now contain neurotoxins, novel proteins and allergens.
Today one out of every three children suffers from allergies, asthma, autism or ADHD. It appears that we have unknowingly and without informed consent engaged our children in one of the largest human trials in history.
Ten years into this human trial, our children are trying to tell us something.
Shouldn't we listen?
10 Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Family:
1) Reduce your family's exposure to processed foods
2) Eat food with ingredients that your grandmother would have used
3) Purchase organic eggs, as they are not from chickens fed corn engineered to produce its own insecticides
4) Cook with olive oil instead of butter, margarine or vegetable oil
5) Avoid conventional soy and corn products (vegetable oil, high fructose corn syrup) since most are genetically engineered
6) Look for meat and poultry that not injected with antibiotics and additional hormones
7) As recommended by the British Dietetic Association, avoid exposing infants under the age of 12 months to conventional soy
8) Consume organic foods for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy in order to reduce your exposure to pesticides (recently linked to autism and gestational diabetes)
9) Look for "rBGH-free" milk. rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) is a genetically engineered, synthetic chemical hormone that is not allowed in milk in most developed countries given its link to breast and prostate cancers
10) When discussing vaccines with your child's pediatrician, especially vaccines grown in eggs, request the informational leaflets that accompany the vaccines as they discuss autoimmune conditions like food allergies in detail
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